
By Ridgeback13

Skinny cappuccino, double shot

Farewell to the cabin and our regular coffee haunt, Castelegno's this morning (with a lovely pose from our friendly barista!) as we headed back north. Collected cousin Y from the airport for her week here and went to Aunt M's for lunch. Spending time with all these relatives is giving me quite an insight into the family history and our various shared eccentricities!
Afterwards we went shopping/browsing for a while before meeting up with M and getting a tour of Stanford Uni and meeting his colleagues. They were all eating pizza and drinking beer under the trees and messing around playing football and frisbee on the large lawns. Apparently they do this every Friday....nice life!
Dropped Y at another cousin's where she's staying, then out for dinner with M&H to an all American BBQ and grill place. Not the place for a vegetarian (M just had salad and baked potato) but we had a meat feast and it was delicious...so smoky and tender!
An enthusiastic but not brilliant band were belting out old rock standards the whole time and the place was heaving...excellent choice!

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