
Okay, I get the message. I sat myself down and watched the cygnets and their mum (or dad, who knows?) from afar. Don't mess with Lennoxtown swans.

In the afternoon, me and the boys took ourselves off for a brilliant bike ride, leaving hubby at home to continue on the kitchen (it's been a few months since he started but it'll all be worth it - I've been told).

I sang to my boys as we cycled. It's a new song that I made up. It should be sung to the tune of 'My bonnie lies over the ocean':

Your pee-pee comes out of your willy
Your poo-poo comes out of your bum
Your pee-pee comes out of your willy
So why don't you go and do some!

Pee-pee, poo-poo...and so on.

I do sometimes teeter on the edge of musical genius.

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