Life with Alice

By elirin

The Half-Year Birthday

Mum says there is no such thing. Nevertheless, I got ice cream for breakfast, which is unprecedented, and a wrapped gift, to unpack, to go with it.

Water being scarce around here, we had to go for morning swim after that, with mum covered in soap and schampoo. Half ridiculous. I did some swimming as well, with her, but not for longer than I absolutely had too. Maybe I'll grow into liking it....

We've been playing so much today, I just can't begin to tell you. In between, mum has tried to teach me not to bark at the neighbours/a tractor/birds singing/nothing in particular. A full day right there...

Tonight, I got to taste a minute bit of onion-garlic-pepperoni-free-but-still-piece-of pizza. Wow! When is my next Birthday?!

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