On the fence

At last a Peacock butterfly settled long enough on the fence for a photo although it was partly in the shade. Leaving a patch of nettles in the garden if possible, is ideal as nettles are the main food for this very distinctive and fairly common butterfly. Butterflies go through four stages of development with firstly the egg then the caterpillar which changes into a chrysalis emerging finally as a beautiful butterfly.

It got me thinking about humans who usually are at their most attractive in their earlier life. Today has been a day of looking back to our wedding many years ago when I was definitely more attractive and S had more hair and no wrinkles. To celebrate our anniversary we had a delicious lunch and then a short walk in the sunshine along the seashore watching the waves crashing onto the rocks. Our lives have been full of sunny times and also times when events seem to be crashing in over us but we are fortunate to have had many happy memories too over the years. Unlike the Peacock butterfly who is in the last stage of its life we will hopefully have many more years ahead to celebrate our wedding anniversary.

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