Wall art

Had a lovely day today spending time in Arta again and meeting Thomas' brother-in-law who came to visit for a bit. He, and his family, lives in Mallorca, lucky people :/

Anyway, tried to make the most of Martin's last day here, so headed to the beach again for one last swim. I'm not usually a fan of the beach for swimming, prefer the pool, but I REALLY do like the beaches here and swimming in the Mediterranean Sea.

Back home for a final aperitif on the terrace before heading out to have dinner by the sea. Lovely evening, but so sad our holiday is coming to an end. Love, love, love this place and really would love to come again and explore more.

This picture is of some art on the breakwater by Cala Ratjada, you might spot Ben trying to 'blend' in!!!! We walked all the way to the end and back.

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