
By HowWonderful

Today I had lots of snuggles with Grannie.

This morning all of us went to the photographers to view the photos that were taken of me a couple of weeks ago. Needless to say the photos were of course all adorable and I looked perfect in every single one meaning that Mum and Dad had a very tough decision choosing which ones to buy. I was completely oblivious to all of this of course as I was cuddled up in my new favourite place...on my Grannies chest.

After the photographers meeting we all went for a lovely breakfast with a view at Kangaroo Point. It was a lovely sunny day and the view across the river was stunning. Happy days.

Later that afternoon we took Jasper for a run at the beach and I got to snuggle up with Grannie again because she carried me in my sling, I don't think she wanted to put me down!

We had such a lovely chilled day and with an extra pair of hands around, we even managed to find time to sit down and watch a movie together too! Superb.

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