
By nina

Lottery of Life?

What defines our lives when we are born? Is it karma? One is born to a caring family. Some other is born in terrible circumstances. One is born in perfect health, and some other with a severe deficiency.

Whatever our lot is in life, common is for us all ? the need of love. Of Love and compassion. Com Passion ? With Love, a deep caring for someone we love. How can we extend that compassion for all human beings? For all Life?

Today I went to the gym. On my way I saw these boys who had just come from school. They were playing on this big pile of snow by jumping and making backflips. He landed perfectly. I was lucky to get a shot of them. It was very joyful watching these boys full of energy.

As I had arrived to the gym there was a group of disabled kids working out with their trainers. One of them, a teenager boy looked very openly at me. I felt compassion for him. I'd wanted to hug him. He moved me a lot.

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