
Having been (and still being) immersed in a lot of educational ploys doesn't help. Currently I have two separate UK responsibilities at the policy end - one in theology and ministerial formation, the other in basic surgical examinations among the Royal Surgical Colleges of Britain and Ireland.

Which might impress some, until I confess that none of that solves my personal dilemma when learning new skills.

I can't learn from manuals! Or even on-line tutorials. I will look at instructions for a few moments - throw the paper away - and start dabbling with the machinery/software/tool..... whatever.

This has two possible negative outcomes.

1 Expensive errors
2 I may work out how to function with the material, but never access its full potential.

I know I have at least one academic educationalist blip friend. And I'm sure there are lots of others with practical advice too. So help!

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