Belladrum - Day One

We arrived at our friends about lunchtime, and after some sandwiches and a beer, we wandered down to the festival site.
It was only about ten minutes away.
It was pretty bright at first but the rain came on about four and didn't stop for the rest of the day. By the end, the site was beginning to resemble a mud bath
However, we had a great time, watching bands, drinking beer and some eating.
One of the joys of festivals is the variety of music available.
I had a different camera with me and it was difficult to take shots of the bands because of the lighting.
The group in the photo were Catfish and the Bottlemen and they were so lively.
Other acts I saw included The Temperance Movement - brilliant
The Blockheads - very enjoyable
But in some ways, these were my favourites and this is them earlier in the year.
A fantastic day, well apart from the rain!!
P.S. I didn't see Tom Jones but I think most of the crowd did.

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