Nat's Travels

By natstravels

Dirty Scotty

My bike is made by Scott, so I have named it Scotty, can't decide it is a boy or a girl, the colour would say girl, so it may have to be Scottie. S/he needed a little wash after the outing this morning!

K and I headed off to the Cotswolds to show her the bike route for our half ironman, the plan two laps the whole race distance of 56miles, the reality was one lap and 26 miles!

The weather shocking wind, rain, puddles and wet roads not great for cycling! We finished and had a little run.

But my hat goes off to the plucky guys and gals who were competing in a full ironman distance triathlon on part of the same course. In ironman is tough, in biblical weather it would break you mentally and physically!

At 1230hrs will K and I were in the cafe having lunch the first runner headed out on the run route, only a marathon to run and the the thunder and lighting started!

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