horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Dido and Aeneas

Modern friendships are strange things. I first met Mr Dan Hyde just almost 3 years ago, on a very strange night, where I wound up the only unknown audience member. We connected on Facebook, and there have been various likes and comments over the years.

Dan is back at the Fringe this year, this time behind the scenes, and I'd offered to take some photos of the last technical rehearsal. All I can say is it looks like the About Turn theatre group have turned in a rather impressive show, Dido and Aeneas is intimate and impressive.

I do like photography in settings like this, the lighting technicians pretty much doing my job for me.

And all after a very restrained trip to the whisky fringe, meeting up now-distant friends, and that after a morning getting more of the fence up, and to all intents and purposes rendering our garden private for the first time in about 6 months.

Shattered doesn't even begin to describe it.

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