Ant's thought of the day.

By SaintAnt76

This is me.... Again

Yes... Yes... And yes, I can hear you say again. But this is me at the end of a long path, I realised today that it had been a year since my life had started to change for the worse, it all kicked off being treated badly at work and then even more badly by the same people a few months later and things got progressively worse from there on. Twelve months of what turned out to be a horrible year of illness, deaths, stress and despair for me and the people I hold so dearly... right up to this very day, the day I have reached the end of this destructive path.

Yesterday, I said some days I don't like me and to be honest, I think I meant not liking the fact I lost control of so many things in my life.

My thoughts today and tomorrow and the next and the one after and so on is this...

Today has to mark the end of this depressive path and my tomorrow's have to mark the long journey back to my life that had that positive control for my family, my very dear friends and my one true love.

I realise I have so many people routing for me that I should feel the luckiest man alive, so in twelve months time let's celebrate the return of that person you have so much time for and drink a few half full glasses to all the people who have helped me get there.

I promise it will be a party to remember and one I have been longing for a very long time. Oh and as some of you know me so well it will be a hangover to try and forget!

This blip is dedicated to my family and friends both old and new. You all mean so very much to me.

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