Hide and Seek

We took a picnic lunch to Lytes Cary, a National Trust property, and found a cool spot in the woods. We walked back just in time to find the Storytelling session beginning, through a beech tunnel into a small garden enclosed by shrubs. The storyteller was dressed in Victorian costume, and encouraged W. and F. to sit on her rugs to listen to her stories. Older children sat round perched on National Trust garden stools, and the stories began. The first one was the Story of the Flopsy Bunnies (Beatrix Potter) and the second was a good re-telling without a book - Rumpelstiltskin. By the end of this story, even the adults were engrossed!
Time then for an ice cream in one of the old barns, and then a quick game of hide and seek in the topiary garden. F is playing with her daddy, who can just be seen behind the tree!
A hot, sunny afternoon which we all enjoyed very much!

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