Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Archie looking windswept (and interesting)...

Some good news this morning re my procedures of a few weeks ago. And a hospital visit is imminent. Thank you NHS!

Archie and I went for a walk on the Meadows this afternoon. Hurricane Bertha is still here - it's not raining, but boy, it's windy. Archie looked puzzled (I think). He had trouble standing, twigs, litter and small branches kept whizzing by him for chasing. AND his eyebrows, ears, moustache and beard were being blown about in all directions. Quite a strange sensation, I imagine.

At one point he was quite far away and I whistled used the whistle, which he didn't hear. I could see him running up to different people and looking a bit frantic, so I waved my arms as well. He spotted me and came running faster than I've ever seen him move. I brought cheese this time, because if he's smelling something really interesting, he'll just ignore the whistle until he's good and ready. But he's driven crazy by cheese! I know the feeling.

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