So what's so funny about a fish?

Not impressed is he?
I was watching an underwater webcam in St Julians Bay, Malta, and the fish looking over the top of the amphora was so amusing. He kept going into another amphora and popping up to the lip, staying there and just looking around. He was so funny to watch because it looked like he was looking directly at the webcam camera.
He would then go back in or sometimes dash out, go behind the amphora in the photo and look over the top.
Don't know what kind of fish he/she is but certainly entertained me for a while.
Closer photo of it in the other amphora HERE
There's lots of webcams at THIS LINK if you look above the picture.

Went for my follow up consultation today, 3 weeks to the day after the op, and despite the sharp pain when coughing or sneezing all is looking well. The consultant told me it would take a while for the inside wounds to heal but I should be ok for my trip to Oman in October.

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