Little miss maker

Apologies for the blurry shot but best of a bad bunch.

Like many others on here, today hasn't been the easiest day. Charlotte has bitten Wom then promptly burst into tears going sorry Wom, sorry mummy with no prompting at all. She didn't hurt him in any way but still not a happy mummy. She's also tried to climb onto him, over him and if she could have done, probably through him!

We've had moments where I could happily bang my head against a brick wall, then moment when she's just been such a beautiful baby girl. She fell asleep on the sofa at 11:45 snuggled up in my old blanket. After failing to rouse her I just took her up to bed and let her sleep. I think her teeth are bothering her as she told me her mouth was poorly tonight and she needed medicine - bonjela seemed to help?!

Wom, is just a delight. He played on his mat for ages today grabbing toys and cooing away, only crying when he got his foot a little stuck. Once again he has drunk the milk supply dry so I've cracked open frozen milk / wondering if I need to increase the amount of formula he has (currently 2 x 100ml bottles at bed and first waking in the night) or I assume he is having a growth spurt and it will settle down again soon.

Charlotte sat and created this tiara and wand with grandma this afternoon, it was lovely to sit and watch them having such fun.

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