.......and tomorrow's weather is........

This was the sky above the house tonight.......blue sky......black clouds......grey clouds........and white clouds tinged with pink.

Any one want to guess what tomorrow might bring............I may have an idea as it has just started hammering down outside!

Up early this morning expecting Dad to be up and about.....the daughter got up and went off to work......the post arrived........the Boss got up..........and still no sign.....I managed to watch two episodes of my new guilty pleasure. He eventually appeared just before noon............and wasn't really fully sorted until nearly half past.

Couldn't persuade him to do anything other than sit and do the crossword......YH dropped in with the girls............around 6.00 Dad decided he needed a sleep.....just as we were discussing going out for dinner.......he slept until 8.30......too late to go out.....so we ate in.

He and the Boss have just gone off to bed (11.15)........and the Daughter is soon to join them........me?........I'm wide awake.

If the weather is bad tomorrow we probably won't be able to persuade Dad to go out.....it could be a long day.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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