a pinhole sky explodes out

By blazar


Well, tomorrow's the big 1000.

A friend told me about the site at the end of April 2007 and I joined because it sounded like a really cool idea. Besides, at the time I thought, "I have a camera from photo class.. I might as well use it, right? It's not like taking up photography on a regular basis is going to cost anything, really..."


Over the course of the next 999 (+10 missed) days, I would purchase a Canon 40D with 28-135 kit lens, a 50mm f1.4, a 12-24 wide angle lens and a tele 70-300mm lens, as well as 3 hard drives to back up all my photos.

But the costs haven't even come CLOSE to outweighing the benefits.

I've managed to take about 37,000 photos since joining this site, and I'm really, really happy I've had the push to take a photo every day. I now have a 1000-day-diary chronicling almost three years of experiences. I've gone to Germany and come back twice over that time and knocked out two and a half+ years of college education, in addition to adding a photojournalism major.

Along the way, people I've met have asked me about the site and started blogs of their own (britni, cara, kevin, nick, just to name a few) and I've been able to keep up to date with them in a very unique and personal way.

Joe and the rest of Blipcentral, I'd like to thank you for all of your hard work. Without blip my life would be absolutely significantly different. Taking a photo once a day has definitely helped advance my skills as a photographer, photo editor, and journalist. Although I've missed a few days, it's been fantastic to prove to myself I have the discipline to keep doing something on a regular basis.

I don't plan on stopping.

Stay tuned for 1000 tomorrow! I've been at work on it for a while now...

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