'nuff said

I don't know whether I love my mom or curse her for creating some of the coolest "travel treat bags" for us when we'd go on road trips and vacations. I have forever felt like I have her goddess level of treat bag compiling to live up to, and I still don't think I make the cut. Alex got to open his "Happy Hawaii Trip"/ "Things to keep you occupied when mommy and daddy want to chill" treat bag this afternoon as we leave bright and early tomorrow morning. Yep, that's right, the trip IS still happening, but completely re-worked and major details such as a place to stay secured only a few hours ago. Talk about cutting it close. Stupid Hurricane Iselle, but we are going to make the sweetest goddamn lemonade out of these lemons mother nature handed us and enjoy sipping on it for the next 10 days.

I may be off the grid for a bit, but will see you in all my back-blipping glory in 2 weeks.


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