
By TynvdB

Confession of a Rose Lover

To my astonishment I had an early wakeup this morning. Here in Carlsheaven the Church Belltower announces the beginning of the new day at 7 am. So I got up, had my tea and - this time without a prospect of a free bath, went outside to breathe in the fresh airs. It had rained all night. The world was wet and here and there, where the sunbeams were falling, brilliant. Like our Roses on the photo. They show the morning freshness in a passionate way. Their perfume is delicious. In one word: Divine.

But that is only one way of expressing my feelings for the Beauty of this Rose, so close to home on the Solling Hillside. As I have written in earlier Journals in a poetic or in a more prosaic way, the symbolism of this Eternal Thing of Beauty goes deeper and disperses itself into mystery. Its Heavenly Perfume transforms the smelling, breathing in into an Odour of Timeless Wisdom (1).
The Radical Character of this Rose-Thing points to its Preliminary Being “Beyond Time&Space” or beyond blossoming&decay (2). That is a kind of amazing truth pointing further into an experience of Absolute Freedom (4).

Big Words? Perhaps, alltogether impossible attempts to speak about the unspeakable, the Mystery, the Infinite Unknowable. But nevertheless I can not prevent myself from refusing benign mutism. Here I must write it again and again. My Roses speak the Dance of Life&Death (3, 5) in a Transcending way. They are speaking to me from that Beyond, They play their Eternal Music into my soul. A moment ago I went outside. The moon was half visible over the Brandenberg. Darkness. Careful not to stumble, I approached the rose bush. As I saw the faint whiteness lighting and breathed in the Perfume, I ´knew´ why this Rose IS Our True Dharma-Nature(6), I ´know´this thanks to my faith in the ´impossible´ absolute redemption. Good Night to you all.

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