Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Mr Fussy

Henry amazed me in Asda - I asked what he wanted for dinner and he replied "some fish!" We headed to the fish counter and he picked a piece of tuna - he was sure he wanted it with butter and carrots and said he was looking forward to it.

Only when we got home and I cooked said piece of tuna he turned his nose up at it and flatly refused to eat any. So frustrating! Luckily the cats obliged - it's their 1st birthday on Thursday so it's an early birthday treat.

The other pictures are of Henry making his own sandwich - well I cut the bread and cheese for him but he spread the butter and assembled it, then ate the whole thing and demanded more cheese. Cheese was my main craving when I was pregnant, I wonder if his love of cheese has anything to do with that?!

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