It's Selfie Time!

These guys were taking selfies after their performance.

I wasn't in a great mood today, simply because I didn't have a good sleep last night, so I was feeling rather cranky. The negative atmosphere at my work didn't help either, so I got home feeling rather down. I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow after a good sleep though...

Sorry to bore you with all these Festival blips, but that's the most exciting thing happening to me at the moment. The excitement is starting to wear out though, I have to admit. I need a change, definitely!!!

I need a holiday too!

The weather was not great. I think we're getting a bit of the tail end of Hurricane Bertha. It was just a bit windy and rainy.

Not much more to tell really... I'm feeling knackered and I need some sleep.

Thanks very much for all your comments and stars on my late silly blip yesterday! I'll try and catch up with you as soon as I can. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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