Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

The colours of sailing

The colours of, white and green! The blue sea, the blue sky, the white sails, the white crests on the crashing waves against the boat....and my green face. Within 20 minutes of departing port today I was seasick and spent the entire journey with my head overboard hanging onto the stainless steel guard rails that you can see in this image. It was goodbye breakfast, and I stayed in that position for most of the journey. Poor Thomas was also seasick! We had quite strong winds, reaching 11 knots with the boat heeling too much for my liking. This was my view for most of the day, except there were waves crashing over the sides and I was covered in salt from the sea spray. I did want to take a more dramatic image of the crashing waves but quite honestly was not up to it - I took this when Gavin had reefed the sails and we were on more of an even keel.

We arrived at Puerto de Cambrils which is a very pretty little port town with interesting shops and many restaurants, and it seems to be a popular holiday resort for the locals. I felt much better once we got off the boat and walked around the town.

Tomorrow we sail to Barcelona, about 6 hours of sailing....I am dreading it, I hope I find my sea legs and the waves are not too choppy.

Wi-Fi is awful here, it has taken ages to load this one image so I won't get to see journals until the next port

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