
By Purplepants

Mosque in Fethiye

This morning I swam the island again and beat my personal best - doing it in 1 hour and 54 mins! (Fred timed me using his phone - easy enough as he could leave after me and arrive before me in the kayak)

I did it before breakfast this time (between 7 and 9) when we (same support team as on Monday) worked out that the wind would not have started up and the boat traffic was negligible. I did enjoy my breakfast (after a quick shower)

In the afternoon we took a water taxi into Fethiye again and visited the mosque pictured - inadvertently really - we were trying to find the museum (never did). It was hot and we found a great courtyard with cafés and fans blowing fine water sprays...
It was too hot to go up the cliff face to the tombs too.

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