With Sparkles

By WithSparkles

Sticky situation

So yesterday my journey home resulted in a series of unfortunate events. I had been dreaming of baking a swiss roll ever since watching bake off, and as I was coming home I decided to get off the bus 3 stops early, in order to pick up some of my favourite raspberry jam. As I toddled home through the busy streets I heard a crash. I looked down to see that my jam had fallen out a hole in the bag, and was now smashed into a great jammy mess. I stooped to pick up the pieces of broken glass and the largest of the jammy blobs, and was nearly trampled on my many busy Edinburgh fringe-goers, and continued only to cut my finger on the glass. By this stage my hands were as sticky as sticky can be. I toddled on home, with my very sticky hands (and yes, both my laces came undone).

Today Chris brought me round some new jam to sweeten the situation.

Apologies for the long story, just had to get my jammy rant over with.

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