
By alijohnson

Breakfast . .

Not mine . . Fred's.
Another manic pet day. A howling Benny taken to the vets (they gave me the bill !!) explained brother on hols and charge it to pet plan. Sorted .
Fred bathed and fed, birds cleaned out and fed, dogs fed.
Off to JS for BBQ supplies for mums birthday tea, then back to mums for gardening .
Back home, quick shower and on with the cooking .
Made a home made apple and blackberry crumble for pudding with thick double cream.
Tea was lovely and mum had a good day.
Back to it tomorrow as poor Benny has to have drops 3 times a day. ( So 3 trips to mums every day till next Thurs when we re visit the vet ).
Spa now up to temp again and chemicals sorted, so tomorrow night that's where I'll be. :-)))))

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