
By WeeChris

Dungeness Blip-meet.

This is one of the rotting boats on Dungeness beach; "the cliche boats" as Dan H (f8 and be there) called them.

Dan, Schubert and I met in this strange pitiless environment where sea-holly and pebbles are strewn with tangles of fabulously coloured rope, monuments of rusting machinery, lobster-pots, scraps of fishing net, hanks of chain, splintered wood, tufts of grass, and heaps of functional and especially dysfunctional fishing boats in all-mannners and nuances of decay. Bright sun, a few rags of cloud, wind.

After we had feasted our blippery on the carrion of the sea we repaired to a pub where we feasted some more on Dungeness Fisherman's Pie with mushy peas.

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