The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Loving a Scratch

Nibbler and Rosie love this scratching post. The texture is perfect for their little claws so this is my "Texture Tuesday" challenge blip.

I am so tired - early morning, delays on bakerloo line, late to work (8:05am). I left the office for Yoga tonight as I missed Zumba last night with a meeting that ran over.

Steve says I need to get to sleep earlier which I get frustrated at because I don't get home til late due to commute and office leaving time so then dinner and a spot of work means I get not a lot of time in the evening.

I used to work in the bookies when I was younger and would do night racing which meant leaving the shop about 10pm. I used to then feel the need to have an "evening" that I would go to bed around 3am. I am a wee bit too old and can no longer survive on 4 or less hours sleep.

Yoga was good and I am glad I went.

In other news my lymphocyte count is still too low to start on the new stuff for my skin so any tips on how to get this up would be much appreciated - apparently I can't influence it but I can't accept that to be true!

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