Steve is one of the lads of the village.
I've had the pleasure of watching him and his mates grow up from little lads larking in the beck making damns, thru teenage years and now to the fine set of men they are today. They have grown to be fab big lads, extreme close friends who I am sure would each lay their life down for one another...and they are all great fun to be around.
Today we said our farewells to Steve's fabulous Mum Elaine. The church -as expected- was full, full of people who loved Elaine, I say loved as you couldn't just like her, to know her was to love her to bits and not in a marmite kind of way, you couldn't fail to smile when in her company indeed it was more likely you would be laughing with her.
Steve showed immense courage and stood in front of this packed church - not much short of 200 peeps- and talked about his Mum, he made us all laugh when what we wanted to do was cry ...
Elaine would have been incredibly proud as I am sure Mike -Steve's Dad- is.
Then we all went to the pub, had a few drinks too many and staggered home which is what she wanted us to do.
Steve, Lisa and Sonny are standing under the sign that used to be his Granddads business, the place where Mike Brigham worked, where Elaine at the age of fourteen spied him walking past the house in his mucky overalls and vowed she would marry him one day.
Her wish came true.... Lucky bloke!
Farewell Elaine, you were too young.
May you rest in peace.
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