Holy Trinity

Dad was visited by a Priest one day and the Priest tried to pull a fast one on dad about tithing so finally Dad had enough of this and pulled some coins out of his pocket and said as he threw them in the air what God can catch God can keep,when the coins landed on the floor my Eldest sister decided that God didn't need the money. Dad never went back to his Catholic Faith or Catoleak as he pronounced it in his thick Dutch Accent which sometimes was 1/2 Dutch 1/2 English mixed together. Dad never forced Religion upon us but I do remember when growing up before I started School there would be the whole Family sitting around the dinning table all 9 of us reciting the Lords Prayer before our evening meal. When the Pope come to New Zealand Dad was AWOL,he was in his home made Dark room converted to an artist studio listening to the Popes visit on his radio we never thought to look in there when we could not find him.

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