Aston Marina

On my way home from visiting my mother's cousin, Betty, who is in a residential home in Salford, I passed a sign for Farm Shop and Aston Marina.

Being curious, I popped in, hoping it would be like Barton Marina (frequently blipped). It's very embryonic. The farm shop was the only outlet and some of the prices were OK and some silly. I bought some cherry tomatoes and blueberries, took some photos and headed for home.

My brother and I try to visit Auntie Betty a few times a year. She is well into her nineties. I'm never sure she recognises me. or knows who we are, even when we have told her our names and said who our mother was. It's hard for her. She wants to make conversation but you can feel the frustration. I wish there was more we could do for her.

I always take her some home made cakes and biscuits. She is always pleased but today she was very sleepy and didn't eat anything. She looks very calm and they are always very gentle and caring at the home. I hope it helped.

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