South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Another fun day!

The holiday club went well again today - and the weather was kind to us. There was no rain until after we'd finished, so all outdoor games today. I haven't been able to get around and do any photography outside today as I needed to stay in the foyer to keep an eye on the front door to let groups in and out etc (there is literally no'one else available to do this - rather boring job, but necessary!). I managed to get a photo with the nearest children's heads turned away from me during the quiz this morning, so I can post this one! I was very pleased to get a photo of the HUGE teddy that the boy in the green t shirt brought with him today. Yesterday their group leader said they would get points for the team by bringing in soft animal toys - maybe he thought he'd get extra for the size! Teddy was alternately hugged, laid on and sat on - it was quite funny!

On a totally different subject, I shared a Magnum White lolly with a seagull this afternoon. He (or she) watched me as I unwrapped it and then dashed when a bit of white chocolate from the outside fell on the ground! He carried on watching me hopefully until a load of it fell off - his excitement was palpable! It was all gobbled down immediately. He was very tame - I was standing by some shops, so he presumably frequents that area and is used to people. I was trying to eat the lolly quickly as I was due in the hairdressers - I ended up going in slightly late, even having eaten at speed! My hair is now looking much better - cut, and the roots re- coloured :-)

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