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Well the good news is that we still have chickens. The older 2 (Amy and Lucky) are mainly picking on the older dark brown Welsummer (Chocolat), I think that's because the smaller white Leghorn (Vamilla) is still cheeping so they 'know' she's a baby. Hopefully they'll all settle down in a day or 2.

After treating them all to a Sainsburys lunch, I left the big 2 home alone and took the small 2 to my friend Elaine's to play with Callum for the afternoon. We had planned to go to Maenporth but luckily changed our minds - when the showers hit, they were heavy!

ETA this is for the benefit of my Mum but as it's a backflip, I forgot that tonight I rang 999 for the first time in my life! Well, technically Ally called 999 but he was doing it on my behalf. After tea the children had their Saturday sweets. Red chose some boiled sweets.

One moment he was fine and the next he said "a sweet's stuck", started gasping for breath and turning red. I put him over my knee and started back slaps but it wasn't shifting so I made the call. Well Ally did as I carried on with the back slaps as by now Red was a deep red unable to breath properly and retching.

Then as quickly as it started, it was all over. He must have swallowed the sweet as it didn't some out but the paramedic was already on his way. He was lovely though and when I apologised he said he would far rather turn up to find a rapidly recovering bouncy 5 yo than the alternative.

So boiled sweets are now banned in the Roly household and The Smallest has knocked another year or so off my life!

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