Hoppy Days

By hoppydays


Kerr started school today.

We were up early and ready for photos with Granny and Gran before they headed home and we took Kerr up to school.

Plenty more photo opportunities with his friends in the playground before we all went into the classroom at 9.30.

His teacher, Mrs Weir, had written instructions for us on the board, eg help your child to find their tray, put snack in tray, place water bottle in tray near sink, find peg in cloakroom, change shoes, help your child to choose an activity.

Kerr chose to sit at the drawing table. He promptly wrote his name on his piece of paper then asked me 'How do I write Top Cat?' (We've been reading a book at home called Top Cat and Other Stories). I advised him just to draw a picture, but he was adamant that he must write Top Cat. For fear of him bursting into tears, I told him which letters to write.

Later in the car on the way home I asked him why he wanted to write Top Cat. He said 'because Mummy, I wanted to press the teacher'. I think he meant impress. Hee hee, I wonder if it worked. She is likely wondering if Top Cat is his second name!

Mack loved the drawing table too and was crying when we took him away. He soon cheered up when we went for coffee and cakes with the other mummies.

More photos at 12 noon pick up then a quick stop on the way home to show Grandpa him in his uniform.

All in all it was a very successful first day at school. No tears from any of us (except Mack!), just excitement for the next chapter to begin.

Let's hope he is keen to go back again in the morning.

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