Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

In memory of Mike

Today I am posting another group photograph. This time it is of today's walkers who travelled to Belford and then walked to St Cuthbert's Cave and remembered our good friend Mike Bell who died last year. There is a 360 degree view from the hill above the cave and today there were clear skies so we could see a long way. A few of Mike's family joined us and his sister, Kate, is holding up a copy of the book of his walks.

Over a year ago my good Blip friend Kendallishere recommended an issue of Granta called The Group, Pictures from Previous Lives. I started reading it only last week so group photographs are very much in my mind.

Here are the words from the back:
Everyone has at some point in their life been a willing or reluctant member of a group. The family, of course – the initial group – and then the school class, the football side, the quiz team, the workplace, colleagues, fellows, friends and comrades. Group photographs are their souvenirs – fond and sometimes grim reminders of a previous way of life and the people who shared it. In this issue of Granta, writers take out their group photographs and remember the best and the worst.

You may/may not wish to discuss!

The other question to answer is - Is it possible to persuade a group of 22 people to look at the camera and smile/grimace at the same moment. The answer is a resounding NO. This image is produced from 2. There were 3 but someone still had her eyes shut! All good fun.

One of our festival walks is fully booked already!

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