tempus fugit

By ceridwen


The ancient harbour of Porth Clais, beyond St David's, is squeezed along a narrow inlet that worms its way into the coastline like a crooked finger. At today's very low tide the upper reaches were completely dry as I followed the stream past the old lime kilns with their open maws, along the harbour wall where beached boats awaited the return of the water in the sheltered curve of the stonework. Beyond lay a perfect little bay and following the path upwards I found a solitary woman and her dog gazing out to sea while in the distance a troop of hikers crested the rampart of stone high above the waves.

The man mending the wall caught my attention as he worked at a task that must have been repeated down the generations - doing repairs while the tide is out. The huge stones are said to have been laid originally by the Romans.

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