Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee


I went across to my Mother-in-laws today to meet up with my brother-in-law and his kids. They are based in Washington DC (theoretically) but his wife is an Amercican diplomat who was in the Congo and is about to be posted to Athens so once again they are on the move.

I managed to make it round the butterfly world with them (with the aid of a stick and loads of painkillers.
I loved the golden cocoons that were in the hatching area. Despite them looking so smart, I was told that the butterflies that emege from them are a plain brown.....bit of a disapointment really.

The picture of the cat?

My mother-in-laws cartoon cat......it has really short legs and runs around like a lunatic and uses the walls like a motor cyclist on the 'wall of death'.

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