Two tuis in a cherry tree

Busy day again but that's it for now. We left Athenree at 1.30pm and grabbed some lunch at a lovely cafe in Te Puna called "Nourish".

We drove to Rotorua via Betty and John's grave at Ngongotaha. The sun was out but the wind was freezing so we didn't stay long. Left some lavender from Betty's garden in a vase from her china cabinet.

The air was full of the songs of tui as there was a long line of cherry trees and the tui were going crazy feasting off the flowers. I took loads of photos. I liked this one because there was a story - there was a bit of fighting and the one on the top pecked the one below and there was a fair amount of squawking!

We are staying at Chris and Colin's tonight and leaving tomorrow. I hope the weather improves before then!

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