One click at a time

By KeithKnight

Water Wednesday - A tear in the eye

Water Wednesday in chandler63's August Challenge.

OK, it's about as tenuous as you can get, but it's been a big day in the life of my old Corsa. After a couple of circuits of a nearby industrial estate I was able to record the moment that the car passed a recorded 250,000 miles (I say recorded as I have evidence that it was clocked in the past, so probably passed this landmark a long time ago in reality).

So one in the eye for Clarkson, who seems to hate Vauxhall, and well done to Vauxhall for producing a car that reliably does my 80 mile round trip to West London each day, turning in 60 mpg, and apart from a noisy gearbox (it's been getting noisy for the last 100 - 150,000 miles) still keeps on running.

And the tenuous connection to water?, that'll be the metaphorical tear I had in my eye at that moment.

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