Dog Survives Twenty Five foot Fall

This is the scene of the mysterious incident this last weekend. It has come to light that 'Eddie' a four year old terrier staying at Staffield Hall Self Catering Appartments with his two German companions survived a potentially fatal fall from a first floor window onto the tarmaced surface below. It is not clear whether or not it was an accident, a deliberate jump or an assisted leap from the open window - investigations are pending. Eddie who is somewhat shaken by the episode was found lying on the floor by his two companions. He was stunned and appeared to be in a degree of pain. He was immediately whisked off to the vets in Penrith, examined and pronounced fit and well and very lucky to be alive. Neighbour Sue V recalls the near fatal evening - 'I was watching Back To The Future for the ninth time when I heard a whooshing sound that appeared not to come not from the television but from outside - like the sound of a ball being thrown across to where my Trike was, below the window. I thought someone is kicking a ball. A few minutes later there was the sound of a dog whining an I thought it must be Bentley, noble dog from next door.' Not so - what had actually happened (and this can be proven by CCTV) is that 'Eddie' leaned too far out of the window, fell and somehow managed to land on the not only cushioned Trike below but a partially inflated boat that was occupying the seat of the Recumbent. This must have broken his fall. Eddie sustained a torn nail and developed the shakes - not surprising!

Considering he had about one square foot of cushion he is one hell of a lucky dog. Here is to a speedy recovery Eddie. (The Eagle)

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