Tutto bene

By Blackdrake


Ah...those crazy Swedes! This is the cap from a bottle of Ikea beer (tasty).

A large chunk of today was spent juggling airline and rail websites trying to organise getting Hubby back home at every affordable opportunity. Not easy when prices jump up before your eyes. The earlier it is booked the better the fare so this weekend is out the question unfortunately but I've managed to get some other weekends booked in advance.

Still struggling with the reality of this crappy situation lasting for a whole damn year. Still hoping for some miracle or large dose of good luck to be sprinkled upon us. Always worth hoping.

To cheer us up we went to see How To Train Your Dragon 2. It was fab, wasn't expecting to need tissues... sad in places but we thoroughly enjoyed it.
Looking forward to Mr Golden Sun returning tomorrow, especially as it's the last day of the school hols!

p.s. sorry I had to delete this photo and reload as it had gone into the wrong date, so I've lost your comments.

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