Podgy pooch!

Sometimes Ann is really insulting to me. Today she said, ‘Molly, you’re turning into a podgy pooch. You need to do more exercise.’ Well, she’s the one who needs to give me more exercise!

I’ve been going to work with Ann quite a lot over the last few weeks and although I don’t get as much exercise as normal, I’m always very tired after a day at work because I don’t get any sleep time. I’m a bit of a nosey collie so always have to stay alert to check what’s going on.

Anyway this afternoon I went to the river to swim and play with my yellow bouncy ball.

Ann kept throwing my yellow bouncy ball into water weeds and vegetation, so not only have I had to run fast and swim fast, I’ve also had to use my nose to sniff out my yellow bouncy ball.

……………This evening I’m both mentally & physically exhausted!!!!

And Ann’s just looked in the mirror – she’s a bit podgy looking too.

It’s no fun getting old!!!

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