Inner Sense

By FranklyFrank

Don't believe everything you think

This is Thoughtful Thursday and what better way to mark it than this bumper sticker: Don't believe everything you think. Thoughts are transitory. They come and go, mostly without our knowledge or control. And with thought there's an accompanying feeling that brings the thought to life.

Some thoughts are stickier than others - they have more weight somehow, perhaps because they're habitual or hit a hot button. When thoughts have weight to them - i.e. are accompanied by negative feelings like anger, worry, urgency - then it is a clue that we are giving them too much attention. When we have these kind of thoughts we know that we are off kilter and not at our best. But if we wait then these thoughts will pass and another thought will come along. In the meantime we don't have to believe them or act on them.

Some thoughts are lighter and are accompanied by positive feelings. We somehow know that these are right because when we have these kind of thoughts we feel good, we have compassion, love, and feel and act our best. These thoughts are the ones we can believe and act upon.

As a second theme to my photo, the other sticker refers to Permaculture, and I included this because today my wife, Sue, received her Permaculture Design Certificate from Geoff Lawton. She is now a Permaculture Designer. I am very proud of her and all the hard work she has put into this great achievement. Even so in the last week or so, while waiting for her final design to be marked, she'd begun to worry that the delay meant she'd failed. Those worried thoughts were ones she was wise not to believe.

[This is an entry for the Thoughtful Thursday challenge set by [url=]chantler63[/url] - for which many thanks]

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