Hola I'm Mini Claws

By MiniClaws

Great great great Auntie Glad

Today Mummy took me to bounce and rhyme at the library. It was good but I was super sleepy and fell asleep half way through. After that we went to see the health visitor and I got weighed. I now weigh 13lb 6oz. Then Daddy picked us up and we went to see Sarah and her son Des, which was fun. Des played peek-a-boo with me. When we got home, Daddy did some work and me and Mummy went upstairs to my bedroom to tidy it up a bit more. I was playing with this blanket that my Great Great Great Auntie Glad made a long time ago and is now mine. I fell asleep all tangled up in it, which was nice and cozy. This evening I'm spending at home with Mummy and Daddy.

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