
The wasp nest that I dealt with earlier in the summer. I feel a bit guilty now, seeing how many millions of wasp mouthfuls it kook to build the whole thing. Still, I couldn't leave it, it being a 'them or me' scenario.

Not too bad at the allotment given all of the comings and goings. It doesn't look that tidy by any of the normal standards, but still productive.

Last half-hundredweight of broad beans - scabby on the outside, perfect on the inside.
A few spuds. The first earlies healthy and big, the second ear lies a bit small, given the dry summer. None blighty yet.
A few half-chewed cabbages
lovely little turnips
A few carrots - a bit split.
Tons of blackcurrants
A single miserable courgette
The last few peas
The first few runner beans
Delicious if small florence fennel thinnings
Gorgeous kale

Plenty left. If the winter is kind, we'll stay out of the poorhouse again this year.

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