Tutto bene

By Blackdrake


...vintage car in shot!

The sky had turned a tremendously dark and stormy just before school picking up time, so I popped up to take a shot of the graveyard entrance. Just after I took this I noticed a fabulous old car driving past, a quick check and yes! I had caught it in the shot without noticing..huzzah!

So although I had a very lovely, incredibly furry bee on the Globe Thistle, I will stick to my sort of rule of cannot be repeated moment for today's blip. I also had a fab shot of the girls all dressed in new school uniforms ready for the first day of the new school year, but alas, A wouldn't let me blip it.
I'm going back to the bees and the Globe thistles tomorrow, I hope that fuzzy guy is still there!

After what seems like a week of Sundays, apart from today (which felt like Monday) I'm looking forward to it being Friday tomorrow. Would be a million times better if P was coming home this weekend but he's not, boo hoo! Still, Skype is a wondrous invention and it certainly makes it easier.


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