
By AnneILM60

Lovely to look at

I am being spoiled these days, as I only need step out the door into my yard and there are dragonflies to take photos of. Today there was once again a dragonfly where I had gotten my blip from yesterday and the day before. Although I took some photos of him, I really liked this guy much better.

My only problem with taking photos of the dragonflies today, were my 2 tuxedo cats, who insisted on following me about in the yard and they kept disturbing the dragonflies! The dragonflies would zoom off, do a buzz by and then land right back where they had been.

Heading out tonight to the monthly MS support group meeting. We should be having a speaker regarding genetic research being done at Duke Medical Center in Raleigh. I will see what the criteria is to be a part of this and then if I can volunteer to be a part of it. I have been a part of the DNA research by Dr Ian Wilson at the Edinburgh University on MS in the Orkney & Shetlands.

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