The lesson worked ...

... almost.

The course was busy today so my first shot had a lot of spectators, which usually puts me under pressure. Today - great shot, onto the green in one! I did that again on another hole. Off the tee my drives were considerably better but that had the effect of changing the game for me in terms of what followed. Much better game all round until the end of the 7th. I totaled my score and got excited about the possibilities with only two holes left, I even mentally wrote my blip talking about how I had beaten my best score ... that, of course, was fatal and I made a right mess of the 8th and blew my score!

Still very pleased with the improvement from one lesson. Two more lessons to go.

Now I have the afternoon to prepare a meal for this evening. I have a couple of friends coming over.

p.s Yesterday's blip was posted very late.

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