Food, glorious food!

Well, it was last Saturday when I had the dish at Acorn Restaurant in Bath. So I bought the book with the recipe in. Then I went on line and bought the ingredients that I was unlikely to get in North Devon.

what a challenge! I have made it today to fit in with Chantler63's challenge, food on friday. It's not the same consistency but this cauliflower panna cotta tastes good, just need to do the rest before serving up to the guinea pig tonight.

The other great challenge of the last two months was having my camera mended. It showed 'lens error' 2 weeks' short of the 2 year guarantee period. Nikon took a month to tell me it would cost ME £289 to have it mended because they didn't have a record of me claiming the extended guarantee. It then took me several weeks to persuade our local camera shop (that we have used for 25+ years) that this just wasn't good enough. Eventually Nikon agreed, as a gesture of GOODWILL, to mend it free of charge. I went in on Monday to chase it up only to be told Nikon were waiting for a part to come from Japan, via Holland. this would take two weeks. I got a phone called yesterday to say the camera was back, working and ready for collection. I collected it today and just hope it lasts!! That's off my chest now.

Off to ride my bike in the sun.

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