
By intothehills


I asked my Nan if there was anything she'd like me to do; "Yes" she replied - "go and put some flowers on your Grandfathers grave". Specifically they had to be flowers from the garden they both spent so many years tending and being happy in - it wasn't the hardest job to do to make an old lady happy.

I don't really do the visiting the grave thing - each to their own but I like to think I carry a part of my loved ones with me - their final resting place holds little significance to me - but I know it does to my Nan - so off I toddled.

It's been twenty three years since Granddad died - its probably been three or four since I last visited the grave (usually with Nan in tow) - and over those years the inscription on his headstone has faded & started to disappear - perhaps this is how we become eventually - we also fade and disappear - one day I'll be gone and there will be no living link to Graddad - the same becomes true for all of us - till one day a stranger stops and stares and might just, for a second, wonder who we were.

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